EnergyREV: Training

In previous work [1,2, 3, 4, 5] we have researched which skills are (or are expected to be) in short supply in transitioning to smart local energy systems. For that we have conducted three detailed case study of smart local energy localities and projects.
The present report revisits these case studies to identify the training needs and training provision mechanisms that arise (along with the skills needs) in transitioning to SLES both at the system level (as discussed in section 4) and at the sub-system levels (as discussed in section 5).
The report complements the case study-based data with:

a) a review of the Ofqual accredited qualifications, to ascertain whether the skills noted to be in short supply have any accredited delivery mechanisms as well as

b) additional focus groups with senior college representatives (as discussed in section 3).

Some related work, relevant to this report, is presented in section 2, while recommendations on training provision are summarised in section 6.

Download Report here.

[1] Ruzanna Chitchyan and Caroline Bird. Bristol as a smart local energy system of systems: Skills case study, 2021.
[2] Ruzanna Chitchyan and Caroline Bird. Skills for smart local energy systems: Integrated case study briefing, 2022.
[3] Caroline Bird and Ruzanna Chitchyan. Transition to smart local energy systems: Energy superhub oxford skills case study, 2022.
[4] Kopo Marvin Ramokapane, Caroline Bird, Awais Rashid, and Ruzanna Chitchyan. Privacy design strategies for home energy management systems (hems). In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI ’22, New York, NY, USA, 2022. Association for Computing Machinery.
[5] Yael Zekaria and Ruzanna Chitchyan. Qualitative study of skills needs for community energy projects. In Proceedings of the Presentación en la Conferencia Sobre Comunidades Energéti- cas Organizada por Eco-SESA de la Universidad de Grenoble Alpes, Energy Communities for Collective Self-Consumption: Frameworks, Practices and Tools, Grenoble, France, vol- ume 16, 2020.